Saturday, April 27, 2013

wedding obsession

my two dream jobs: wedding designer and gourmet cupcake baker.

and because those two arent really practical in this crazy world, i stick with staring at beautiful/creative wedding ideas on pinterest and blog stalking big time bakers.

today i will just share some pics with you that i like :)


i like this bouquet, and i especially love the trend right now of burlap and lace. super pretty. also, i think the bracelet adds a little bit of sparkle without being too much.

i'm a big fan of these rose cakes. and this color is light and pretty and fun. i think i'll go with a small cake this size for my wedding and have cupcakes for my guests. shocker, huh? ;)

love this for reception decoration. soft and feminine.

i've got to figure out how to do this hairstyle. i love it.

super cute saying :)

 what a beautiful picture...

oh how i adore creative ring shots! ahhh love :)

i like the clever use of angle in this pic (also, super love the buttons down the back of the dress and the lace!)

i think this couple is so cute! and this pose is adorable, captures the tenderness and happiness :)
oh! and i love that 3/4 length sleeves and in style! 

well... i could go on and on, post picture after picture, but i think i'll leave it at this. 
i love weddings and love details and colors.
so much fun :)

Friday, April 26, 2013

my opinion on marriage

*WARNING- this post might be offensive to some people. but it is my blog and i feel like i can talk about whatever i want. i will approach the topic with as much tact, kindness, and respect that i can. that is all*

lately there is so much crap going on in america that i disagree with. it's like society has lost its morals and standards.
 it's ok so many teenage girls are having sex and getting pregnant? it's ok to be a pothead now? it's ok to live with your parents until you're 30- playing video games, not working or contributing to anything? it's ok to let the government (aka- us that actually have a job) pay for your living expenses? it's ok to have an abortion and kill babies just because they are "an inconvienence"? it's ok to not discipline your children?
like, seriously...?
there's just something so wrong with this.which is why today i'm not even going to rant about those issues.
no, today i am going to tackle perhaps the touchiest subject of all.
gay marriage.
in the past year my mind has been enlightened and i have opened up my ideas and perspective about homosexual people.
that is not to say that i agree with it, because i absolutely do not.
but i have learned quite a bit through this account and others. i respect that man's choice to live his religion and even though he is gay, to not act on his sexual feelings and marry a woman who he loves and raise his daughters in a family unit.
marriage is ordained of God. family is central to God's plan. 

family is the most important relationship.
mothers, fathers, daughters, sons, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents.
i love them all. i cherish all my growing up memories of playing with cousins and being surrounded by family on every holiday and sometimes for just the sheer reason of being together.
my family is really close. i love being home because i love being apart of my family and spending lots of time with them. i love spending time with my mom, teasing my brothers, and having daddy come home. he works so hard to support and provide for his family. and that is the way it should be.
people should place their highest priority around their family. they should love their family and want to be home and feel comfortable and loved there. 
one day, i want to be married for time and all eternity in the house of God to a worthy righteous man. one day, i want to bring children into this world and become a mother. i want to raise them in a home, with their father, where we teach and live the gospel. 
i have nothing against homosexual people. i don't understand how they feel or what makes them attracted to people of the same gender, but they are children of God too. i do, however, think that they should try their best to understand who they are and who God wants them to become and live morally clean: not acting on their sexual feelings. that's just my opinion.
this whole "equal rights" thing has been blown way out of the water. in my opinion, its ridiculous. so many heterosexual people are just living together instead of getting married. do you really think gay people are going to get married when its legal? no. really, what i think it comes down to, is society trying to destroy the very unit of support and strength and love- a family. we can have millions of friendships, but when it comes down to it nothing is quite the same as a family relationship. and i believe we should try and nurture and cultivate our families, even though it may be hard. they may drive you crazy or annoy the heck out of you, but at the end of the day they're still you're family. i can pick on my brothers- but if anyone else does oooo i'll be pissed. 
marriage is important to me. the relationship a husband and wife share is one i have wanted for a very long time. i'm the girl who has always dreamed of getting married and having a house and family. i want to share everything with my husband, have someone who's life is so wrapped up in mine, someone to take care of and who i can rely on to take care of me. to love me and support me when i struggle to love myself. i think that relationship is one very special and sacred and one that should be guarded and protected. it's a very beautiful thing.

i know, i know, you're probably thinking, "she's never been married, she's just a lovestruck girl stuck in a fantasy world." true, i've never been married. and i know marriage is hard, real hard. crap happens. but what i think it boils down to is how committed people are to eachother, to their marriage, and to God. 
in the lds church, we believe in eternal marriages. eternal's not just a nice thought, it's real. i know i can be with my family forever if i do my best to keep God's commandments and my covenants with Him. and i want to be with my family. sealed together forever. i love them so much.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

A Love Story: Part I

Alex & I first met when we were in 2nd grade. And no, neither of us remembers back then very well haha. But I do vaguely remember what he looked like (he was a cute kid, in my opinion ;) ) Then my family moved to a neighboring town 10 miles away and we went to different schools and never had much to do with each other.
Until August of 2011.
I remember that day... It was 90 degrees outside, I was covered in dirt and sweat, and in a fouuul mood. My boss had irritatted the heck out of me and after driving an hour back to the plant i was still fuming. We harvested pea plants at that job and so I had to drop off the pea seed (which was heavy for me!). I remember being flustered and driving up asking Alex where he wanted the stuff. 
As soon as I saw him I felt like I knew him. It was like, I've seen you somewhere... 
I recognize you.
You are familiar.
I know you.
Not to mention, I found him verrrry attractive, not gonna lie. Mind you, I was also looking like a hot mess. And was pissed off like no other. Probably not a very good first impression... Haha. But later he told me he felt the same way, like he knew me when he saw me. Weird huh? But I know I'm not the only one because my mom told me she felt the same with my dad.
Anyway, my life has never been the same since that day.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

love me some general conference.

I LOVE General Conference! :)
It's two days of pj's and listening to uplifting spiritual messages. 
Wish I could be home with my family, but thankfully a friend and her husband took me in so I have the opportunity to watch and listen to the words of the servants of God.
I always hear something that inspires me, something that makes me want to be better, something that comforts and counsels me.
If you listen with an open heart and open mind, I know you will hear and feel something and get something meaningful out of this conference.
You can listen here LDS General Conference at 10 AM and 2 PM MST tomorrow :)

Friday, April 5, 2013

we are all beautiful

Just so you know in advance, this post is going to get real. I don't know who even reads my blog, but I hope it helps and inspires the people that do. I try to keep things uplifting for the most part because I prefer to focus on the positive in life and count my blessings. I have been given much in life and have been incredibly blessed with a good family, the opportunity to get an education, and the glorious truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ. 
But guys, life happens. No one is perfect. We all face trials and challenges. We all got problems, lets be honest.
We can sit and pick each other apart, judge one another, look down our noses at each other. But that would just be silly cuz we're all fighting a hard battle. We just have different problems, different weaknesses. I prefer to help raise each other through problems, to be understanding and compassionate and have a loving heart. And I pray that you will be that way towards me. 
Because this is my blog, and I keep it mostly for the sake of me remembering how I feel and thoughts I had or events that occurred, I feel like it is appropriate for me to talk about something that has been affecting my life for the last month or two.
In high school I wrote an essay about the media and self esteem. I talked a lot about eating disorders. I talked about the ridiculousness of the media giving girls a false sense of what they should look like. I talked about treatments. 
I never thought I would be one of those girls.
At the time, I was chubby. A little overweight. But at that point it didn't bug me because I never thought I'd be a skinny little girl, I didn't think I was built right for it, I guess I didn't care.
And then I lived in Utah for the greater part of last year and starved. You think I'm exaggerating? Most days I ate one meal a day. Dinner. And that was either at my grandparents or my shift meal at work because it was free. Don't ask why I didn't buy groceries, I don't know. Trying to save money, buying food alone is boring, I had more important things at hand, I'm really not sure. But to say the least, I lost about 30 pounds last year, which put my at a nice weight for my height. And I liked the way I felt, started actually liking to buy and wear cute clothes because I felt like my body was attractive for the first time in my life. 
{Do NOT eat one meal a day- it isn't healthy. If you want to lose weight, eat a balanced portioned diet and exercise. Trust me, don't starve yourself, the health effects aren't worth it}
I came home and I was a buuusy girl. Between boyfriend, family, and college classes I didn't have time to be bored or worry about eating. I learned to eat meals again, and while it wasn't a whole bunch, it still was more than I had been used to. And it was pretty healthy most of the time. Life was good.
Then I go away to college here. And I think I'm doing pretty well with what I eat and watching my weight, eating more veggies and fruits than half the college kids I know. Well... the first thing I notice in February is that I don't have a period. It wasn't just late, daysss go by and it never comes. And I think, what the crap there's no way I can be pregnant. Then I start being lightheaded, dizzy, and lacking energy. My mother finally makes me go to the doctor the beginning of March.
Guess what?
I was underweight.
I'm a pretty tall girl and I weighed 115 lbs. Thats less than my roommate who's 5'2."
Here's the even scarier part... I still thought I was fat. I would look in the mirror and my stomach, in my eyes, would still be sticking out too far. I would get in the shower and be disgusted with my body.
Now everyone wants me to gain weight. And I have. And I get that I need to gain a few more pounds, but I'd like them to be in muscle, not fat. But with everyone pressuring me to eat so much I somehow got out of touch with my body and can't figure out how to eat right. It'
My food problems continue.
I can't figure out when to eat, when I feel hungry, what to eat that will be nutritious, or how much to eat. I can't figure out what a good portion size is. And then, there's the really humiliating part...
Please, bear with me. And be understanding.
There are points where I cannot control how much I eat. In other words, I binge. Something snaps in my brain and while I know I should stop, I physically can't. I keep shoveling food into my mouth as fast as I can, anything that is in sight, particularly really unhealthy things. In mass quantities. When I am alone. And then I am stuffed, my tummy hurts sooo bad and I hate myself. Seriously despise the fact that I could not control myself. It usually leads to tears, tears of regret and hurt. 
I do not purge either. I just feel like a lousy scumbag. And for awhile I was in denial about this whole thing. But lately I've realized, this is something serious and it is real and needs to be worked through. It's harmful and unhealthy. Its a binge eating disorder. And I'll try to figure it out at home with my family, but if I need it I'll have to get medical help. I think it can be corrected with family support and being busy. Its just right now, I'm alone so much and eat alone so often that I feel helpless. Yet another reason I need to go home. I need to fix myself. Because I feel disgusting.
And yes, I am writing this because I binged tonight. And maybe, I'm not alone in this. There has got to be other girls in the world that have this problem. And all of us, we just need some help and support to get back on track again. Even though I feel like a fat cow and am so ashamed of my actions, I know that my Heavenly Father still loves me and that I am still of great worth and have much to contribute to the world. 
No matter the shape or size of the body, we are all beautiful. 
And we are all daughters of God capable of becoming strong, confident, and courageous women.



Thursday, April 4, 2013



It's really cool to think that my Heavenly Father knows me even better than I know myself. He knows of my potential and all that I can become if I will just choose to keep trying to be better and rely on Him and in His plan. I am so grateful for the atonement of Christ that allows me to repent, be forgiven, and move on and progress. I want to be all that I was created to be and I know that everyone has the capability of reaching their potential :)

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Prophet Joseph

 I've been taking a Doctrine & Covenants course this semester at BYU-Idaho, and besides being super early in the morning, it has been awesome. I always feel uplifted and learn so much in that class, my teacher is energetic but still reverent about the gospel topics we cover. It's just been a really cool experience.
There has also been a lot of attention focused on Joseph Smith.
Let me tell you, he was and is an incredible man and I know with all my heart that he is a Prophet of the Lord. This man posesses so many Christ-like attributes and qualities, always cared about others before himself, and despite all his persecutions and trial he never denied the truth and never lost faith. He never gave up. And I am so thankful for his testimony, his legacy, and his work in bringing about this gospel of love and hope. I know my life would not be the same today if he had not done his part in restoring Christ's church on the earth. I would never have known the peace and the sweetness that it brings into my life.
I've watched a lot of clips of this movie lately in Sunday School and in class but tonight I decided to watch the whole thing. I was crying. Not because it was sad, scary, happy, or whatever. But because when you watch this movie, really watch it, the spirit of God is so strong. It speaks to your soul if you will let it. I honestly doubt someone could watch this and not feel something. They may deny it, but I believe they will feel something. Something that says "this is good" or "this is true." 
I love the Prophet Joseph. I remember even back in 7th grade I wrote a paper about him, the topic was one person from history that we would want to meet. I do not worship him, but I have so much respect and admiration for this man.


 To watch this movie of the life of Joseph Smith and the gospel of Jesus Christ click on the link:

He lived for the truth. And he died for it. 
Shall we not go on in so great a cause?

Monday, April 1, 2013

mission possible

The semester is almost OVER! 
Pretty exciting, but also pretty stressful. 
Time to crank out homework, read lots of boring articles, write a paper, give a presentation and take finals... And of course, once again, I'm pretty good at procrastinating ;)
I think its super awesome missionaries can email anyone now so I got to talk to Alex for a little bit today! Best part of the day for sure, I miss that kid sooo much.
He's doing well in Texas :) I'm jealous cuz its warm there! 
I'm also kinda jealous he's on a mission. But I'm getting so nervous now that its about time I get serious with my papers. Once all this school stuff is over (two weeks) I'll be working on finishing those up, which is kinda crazy... Like, is this real life? Haha goodness. 
Life goes by so fast. Have to make every day count, which I haven't been so good at lately (frustrated college girl with ADD) But! I'm working on it :)
Missionary work excites me and scares the bajeebers out of me too. 
But I know if I trust in God I can do anything. 

Elder Sams & Elder Paletua

I was able to go home for the weekend and it was great :) Love my family and love Easter, even though it didn't really feel like Easter this year... It was still good. Just have to remember the reason for the holiday, Christ is risen :)